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A Vision For Our Future

Deer Park Church is a place where:

Christ is known (Philippians 3:7-11)

A place where we would come to know Christ more and more, both with our minds in understanding, and also by way of real, personal experience of God through the Holy Spirit.

Christ is proclaimed (Acts 4:29-32)

A place where we and our neighbours would find Jesus clearly and consistently articulated - who he is and what he signifies about God’s great act to save - both with vivid and understandable words and ideas, and also through meaningful actions.

Christ is exalted (Revelation 5:6-14)

A place where the expression of the church will be the consistent glorification of the Triune God, as revealed to us in Jesus Christ.

A Plan For How To Get There

Deer Park Church is a place where we will focus on:

Church Ministry (Ephesians 4:11-13)

We will focus on weekly worship services built around God’s Word, real community, spiritual growth, international missions, caring for the sick and needy, and offering counsel and encouragement.

LifeGroups (Acts 2:42)

We will focus on helping every person find the opportunity to participate in a small group with flexible structure, care for one another, an experience of God through Bible study, prayer, and service outside the group.

Children & Youth (Matthew 19:14)

We will focus on sharing God’s good news with upcoming generations in contextual ways. Research points out that 77% of adult Christians come to faith before their 21st birthday.

Care for the Vulnerable (James 1:27)

We will focus on a broad attention to the needs of those who sometimes can feel invisible especially vulnerable women and children in our community.

Our Signature Statement

Together, we will do whatever it takes to know and proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour, Sanctifier, Healer and Coming King.

Our Beliefs

Deer Park Church is a member congregation of the Christian & Missionary Alliance in Canada.  The Alliance is an Evangelical group of churches comprised of more than 6 million believers in 22,000 churches in Canada and around the world.  With origins in the holiness movement, the Alliance has a clear focus on an experience of a full and deep life with Jesus Christ through the presence of the Holy Spirit, and the importance of sharing God’s Good News to everyone.  Doctrinally, the community of Alliance churches is committed to standing firm on Christian essentials, but allowing for a breadth of understanding on other issues – even important ones – which historically have divided other churches, so that we really can walk together, encouraging one another on in both the journey of the deeper life and the task of world missions.  In the Alliance we try to make space for one another, even when we disagree, because we believe that in Christ we really are members of one body together.  Which is to say, the Alliance Church as a whole – and Deer Park Church in particular – is a place where you can fit, wherever you are at on the journey of faith, and where together we can find our way deeper in with Jesus and further along in sharing God’s love in significant ways with our neighbours here in Red Deer and around the world.

The Statement of Faith of the Alliance Church can be found below.  If you have further questions about Deer Park Church or the doctrinal positions of the Alliance, contact the church at

Statement of Faith

Deer Park Church is a member congregation of the Christian & Missionary Alliance in Canada.

  1. God: There is one God,1 who is infinitely perfect,2 existing eternally in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.3
  2. Jesus: Jesus Christ is true God and true man.4 He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.5 He died upon the cross, the Just for the unjust, as a substitutionary sacrifice, and all who believe in Him are justified on the ground of His shed blood. He arose from the dead according to the Scriptures.6 He is now at the right hand of the Majesty on high as our great High Priest.7 He will come again to establish His kingdom of righteousness and peace.8
  3. Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is a divine Person, sent to indwell,9 guide, teach and empower the believer, and to convince the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment.10
  4. Bible: The Old and New Testaments, inerrant as originally given, were verbally inspired by God and are a complete revelation of His will for the salvation of people. They constitute the divine and only rule of Christian faith and practice.11
  5. Sin: Humankind, originally created in the image and likeness of God,12 fell through disobedience, incurring thereby both physical and spiritual death. All people are born with a sinful nature, are separated from the life of God, and can be saved only through the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ.13 The destiny of the impenitent and unbelieving is existence forever in conscious torment, but that of the believer is everlasting joy and bliss.14
  6. Freedom from Sin: Salvation has been provided only through Jesus Christ. Those who repent and believe in Him are united with Christ through the Holy Spirit and are thereby regenerated (born again), justified, sanctified and granted the gift of eternal life as adopted children of God.15
  7. Christian Living: It is the will of God that in union with Christ each believer should be sanctified thoroughly16 thereby being separated from sin and the world and fully dedicated to God, receiving power for holy living and sacrificial and effective service toward the completion of Christ's commission.17 This is accomplished through being filled with the Holy Spirit which is both a distinct event and progressive experience in the life of the believer.18
  8. Healing: Provision is made in the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ for the healing of the mortal body. Prayer for the sick and anointing with oil as taught in the Scriptures are privileges for the Church in this present age.19
  9. Church: The universal Church, of which Christ is the Head, consists of all those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, are redeemed through His blood, regenerated by the Holy Spirit, and commissioned by Christ to go into all the world as a witness, preaching the Gospel to all nations.20 The local church, the visible expression of the universal Church, is a body of believers in Christ who are joined together to worship God, to observe the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, to pray, to be edified through the Word of God, to fellowship, and to testify in word and deed to the good news of salvation both locally and globally. The local church enters into relationships with other like-minded churches for accountability, encouragement and mission.21
  10. Life after death: There shall be a bodily resurrection of the just and of the unjust; for the former, a resurrection unto life;22 for the latter, a resurrection unto judgment.23
  11. Second Coming of Christ: The second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is imminent and will be personal and visible.24 As the believer’s blessed hope, this vital truth is an incentive for holy living and sacrificial service toward the completion of Christ's commission.25
  1. Isaiah 44:6; 45:5-6
  2. Matthew 5:48; Deut. 32:4
  3. Matthew 3:16-17; 28:19
  4. Philippians 2:6-11; Hebrews 2:14-18; Colossians 2:9
  5. Matthew 1:18; Luke 1:35
  6. 1 Corinthians 15:3-5; 1 John 2:2; Acts 13:39
  7. Hebrews 4:14-15; 9:24-28
  8. Matthew 25:31-34; Acts 1:11
  9. John 14:16-17
  10. John 16:7-11; 1 Corinthian 2:10-12
  11. 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21
  12. Genesis 1:27
  13. Romans 8:8; 1 John 2:2
  14. Matthew 25:41-46; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10
  15. Titus 3:5-7; Acts 2:38; John 1:12; 1 Corinthians 6:11
  16. 1 Thessalonians 5:23
  17. Acts 1:8
  18. Romans 12:1-2; Galatians 5:16-25
  19. Matthew 8:16-17; James 5:13-16
  20. Ephesians 3:6-12; 1:22-23
  21. Acts 2:41-47; Hebrew 10:25; Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8, 11:19-30; 15
  22. 1 Corinthians 15:20-23
  23. 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10
  24. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17
  25. 1 Corinthians 1:7; Titus 2:11-14; Matthew 24:14; 28:18-20